Bail is a
form of an agreement between the bailor and the court. The agreement is called
a Bail Bond. Wordings of a bond. It has conditions. Bail bonds are executed to
take out a person in custody in a criminal case. A criminal case can be either
a Summons case or an arrest case. The following are examples of summons case
(a) most traffic offences, except dangerous
failing to submit Incometax forms
smoking in prohibited area.
following are examples of arrest case offences.
(a) stealing
or snatch theft section 379 Penal code
(b) stealing
motorvehicle or motor accessory - 379(second limb) Penal Code
(c) stealing
in a building (eg shoplifting) - 380 Penal Code
(d) stealing
from employer (pilfering) - 381 Penal Code
(e) assaulting
with a weapon causing bleeding injury - 326 Penal Code
(f) entering
the country without valid travel documents
After arrest
during Investigation and before being charged stage Criminal Procedure Code
schedule 3 applies. According that schedule, the word bailable means whether
the person to be charged can be relased on police bail. After being charged
unless prohibited by law, ALL cases are bailable. It is only the amount and
conditions can be varied according to the merits of the case by the Court.
Cases forbidden by law to allow bail is those punishable by death or life.
The bail provision is to safeguard Constitutional right of a person to his freedom.
The words
‘shall be released on bail’ in s 387(1) of the CPC, given their literal and
natural meaning, mean that bail must be offered. To refuse to offer bail on the
ground that the accused will put a fair trial into jeopardy is contrary to s
387 where bail is mandatory. …. When
the bail term has been breached and a warrant of arrest issued, the appellant,
when he is brought before the court, must be given an opportunity to be heard
first as to why the bail granted to him should not be revoked or cancelled. The
fact he had breached the bail order is prima facie a valid reason for
cancellation or revocation, unless he has a good explanation. … Where bail
is mandatory is offered once under s 387(1) of the CPC, the continuation of the
bail must be based upon the continued compliance of its terms and the
withdrawal of it when it is breached - Wong Kim Woon v Public Prosecutor
[1999] 5 MLJ 114.
not having proper identity, unable to convince can be detained and handed over
to Immigration for investigation. 35 sectin. 1 month.
Amount of
bail in all cases should be nominal, that is according to the prevailing amount
in the district. It should not be exessive or prohibitive so much so as to
tantamount to deny bail. It should be just enough to ensure attendance of the
accused in court on such conditions as necessary.
A proposed
bailor can approach the court clerk or the interpreter or the court police,
find out whether bail has been stated and
offer to bail the person out.
Usually a
security deposit in the form of a bank book is required. Some bail sums are so
much that people offer to deposit their land titles. The title if it has other
names than the proposed bailor has to submit written permission from other for
the title to be deposited.
interpreter will write down the bailors particulars and fill up a blue form. He
will explain the contents. The blue form looks like this
the bailor should not be a government servant unless bailee is next of kin and
there are no one else to come forward to bail him out. Why can’t a government servant be a bailor? In
case of a breach and the bail sum can not be levied by distress, the bailor may
be jailed. That is why.
He must be
Malaysian citizen. Permanent residents may return to their land of origin.
He must
be18 years or above, because only then he has legal capacity to sign the bail
bond which is a contract.
A bailor
undertakes to produce the accused as and when required to do so by the court
for the case. The bailor himself need not be present each time the case
comes up so long as the accused turns up. See Case Chang Khee
Chien & Anor V Public Prosecutor. [1980] 1 MLJ 183.
If a bailor finds that the accused he bailed out does not obey him or can not be controlled and is afraid that can no longer fulfil his duty to ensure the accused’s appearance in court can make a civilian arrest of the accused using ropes and surrender the accused to the court during office hours and discharge himself. He will get back his security deposit.
account in the bank will be frozen by the court until the case is over.
If the
accused is arrested for some other offence while out on bail, the bailor can
provide particulars where he is being detained and after the prosecution
verifies it can consent to the discharge of the bailor and return of the
The bailor
can, after showing the court that the accused has attended the court without
fail so many times, can apply to reduce the bail, borrow the book and withdraw
He can
also apply for bail without deposit. Bail is a discretionary matter.
The Court
on its own or by application by the prosecution can impose extra conditions.
Some bail
conditions set by court stipulate that the accused surrenders the passport to
prevent him from leaving the country.
There was
one case where the accused was required to report to the local police station
once a month to ensure that he is still around.
Failure by
accused to attend can land the bailor in trouble. A notice to show cause is
issued, (sample notice to show cause) and the bailor either forfeits the bail
money or shows cause. During show cause proceedings the bailor will be put into
the witness box, and he has to show that he has done everything to make the
accused come but for his endeavours may be part of the bail money may be
estreated. The money will be credited into government revenue (consolidated
fund), If the bailor did not bring the money, he may be relased and an order
will be sent to the bank to send the money from the account to the court.
Sample order. A bank officer can be in
contempt and jailed if he disobeys the order, unless he comes up with an
explaination. The receipt will be posted to the bailor. A sample cheque and a
The court
can, if due to fraud finds that there is insufficient money issue warrant of
arrest against an accused on bail, and remand him until sufficiencent money is
titles registration cards are no longer accepted as bail deposits. Cashe may be
accepted and temporary receipt given for a day if an accused is charged in
court after bank closing hours. The accused must be produced the next day and
deposit in the form of bank book can be then arranged.
If an
accused is fined, and case is over. The book can be returned immediatel to the
who withdraws the money and pays the fine
become a bailor unless you are sure you can manage. It carries with a great responsiblity
to ensure the attendance of accused without fail until the case is over.
There are
courts where professional bailor loiter. The accused is bailed out temporarily
by these "loan sharks” for a fee acting as instant bailors until he is
able to find his own bailor.
servants are discouraged to become bailors, for they are entering into a
contract without their employer's permission. It can lead them to become
financially distressed. But the courts use their discretion and allow them to
become if the bailee is their close kins.
When a
bailor dies the bail bond is nullified. The bail security will be frozen
against the administrators of the estate of the bailor. The court upon learning
this can order the accused to furnish fresh bail by a living bailor and
unfreeze and return the earlier security to the deceased’s estate.
If a
bankruptcy case is initiated against a bailor his security remains intact. The
insolvency department can not attach or acquire the security deposit because
technically it is claimed by the court pending the disposal of the case for
which it was deposited. If the case is over then the bailor may have to
surrender the deposit to the Insolvency department. The deposit can be forefeited
for breach even if the bailor has been declared bankrupt.
If the
accused fails to turn up in court and no acceptable excuse is given, the bail
bond is said to have been breached. The court can order the issue of a Notice
to the bailor to show cause why the deposit ought not to be forfeited. The
notice looks like this.
When the
bailor attends the court, the interpreter will read the contents of the Notice
to him. He will be asked whether he wants to pay up or show cause. If he wants
to pay up and has money he will pay and the book returned to him with a release
letter for the bank. If he has no money except that in the book, a police man
will escort him to the bank with a release letter to withdraw the money and after
he pays he will be discharged.
If he
wants to show cause, he will be put in the witness box, shown the bail bond he
signed, and asked why he did not fulfill his duty . If he can come with some
excuse like the efforts he put in to ensure the presence of the accused, may be
the court will only forfeit half or quarter of the money.
The notice says that on the day if the bailor does not show up, or succesfully show cause, the money he deposited will be forfeited. Whole or part of the money may be forfeited. Forfeiture of money from the account of the bailor is done by sending a Court Order to the bank. The order requires the bank to deduct the money from the account of the bailor and sent to the Court Registrar who will then credit it into the Revenue account. The resit is issued in the name of the bailor and given or posted to him. The order is served by the court bailif on a responsible officer of the bank like the Public Relations Officer or the manager of the bank. The order contains a clause that if the officer does not comply with the order without excuse he will be in contempt of court.
proceedings of an application for reduced bail.
application to borrow passport.
Bond for
good behaviour. Sample.
to authorities for release of seized goods. (No
applicable to apply to release goods for which duties have not been paid, or
contraband goods, or goods whose possession is
Bond to
produce exhibit 413 CPC, a sample.
pending realization of fine. 283 CPC. When this bond
is breached a Warrant of Committal is
issued with warrant of arrest. The accused is arrested and is taken straitght
to jail. This practice is discouraged by Chief Registrar's circular because
once fine is pronounced it becomes money owing to the Government. Giving time
to pay makes people owe the Government. If they fail in their instalment it
becomes bad debt. It also upsets the accounting and budgetting system.
Bond to
give evidence if called to give evidence in High Court. Now this has become
obsolete since the abolishing of trial by jury.
for Bail pending appeal. Prerequsites. Fine must be paid. Accused must be sent
to prison. Copy of bond to be attached with Record of Appeal. Notice of appeal
filed and shown.
The lawyer
who filed Notice of Appeal can not discharge himself by letter to the registry
without leave of high court.
See Drug Dependant Applications